Philosophy of Teaching
“To teach is to touch a life forever.” I believe
these words wholeheartedly, as if my lips were the first to speak them.
They are so much more than empty words to me. They possess meaning
and purpose. This purpose is the foundation upon which I build my
desire to teach. Teaching is the most powerful expression of love
for fellow beings. It requires a genuine desire to give of your self
in order to help others, and my heart is burning with that desire.
Teaching is not a profession you enter for riches of the monetary kind.
More importantly, they are of the inner precious kind. The riches that
are reaped from teaching do not bear a price tag.
My philosophy of teaching
is summarized in the above quote. I want to make a difference in
people’s lives. I want to impart knowledge that will improve their
lives and help them live happily. In giving of myself, I help others.
That is what teaching means to me. I aspire to prepare children for
challenges they will face in their lives and provide support and encouragement
for those challenges they are confronted with presently. I want to
create an awareness of the potential and ability that each and every mind
possesses. I want children to learn all that the tests hold them
accountable for, not just to be promoted, but also to know the power of
knowledge. Most importantly, I hope to equip children with the belief
that they are special and important individuals. I know that goals
change throughout life, but these will remain constant for me.
School is a haven. For many children,
it is an escape from an unbearable home life and for others it is just
a welcome change of pace. I want my students to feel that my classroom
is a comfortable and safe place. I will establish this environment
through loving discipline, guidance, and structure. These things
are vital in a child’s life. They need direction and stability.
I will create a classroom environment, in which my students feel protected,
supported, and respected. Students can gain academic knowledge in
any classroom. As a teacher, I will strive to provide opportunities
for my students to grow and develop as individuals, in addition to the
academic aspect. I will help them cultivate a sense of self and pride.
I will help them learn to be strong enough to depend on their selves, yet
humble enough to be able to ask for and accept help.
As individuals, we are all different.
I will teach my students to accept and appreciate diversity. Together
we will welcome new and diverse situations and learn from them. I
feel very strongly about the learning that can arise from diversity.
I will demonstrate respect for and eagerness to have diversity in my classroom.
I will approach individual differences in learning ability from the same
perspective. By using a variety of teaching strategies, I can accommodate
the needs of individuals.
I thrive on opportunities to help others.
I consider teaching to be a long-term volunteer project, in which I share
my time, knowledge, and a little bit of myself. Walking away from teaching
would be comparable to turning my back on the world. That is something
I am not capable of doing because it is inside of me. Teaching is
an expression of my self. To be a teacher, you must first be a learner.
It is important to realize that even a little child has the ability to
be a teacher. I face each day eager to learn something new and share
it with others. I will never stop learning and I will never stop