Stephanie S. Hood

Personal Data
Born: September 3, 1979
Address and Phone: 7305 Tall Tree Lane
                                  Charlotte, NC 28214
                                  (704) 393-1561
                                  [email protected]

B.A., Elementary Education, Appalachian State University, December 2001

Certificates Held
Major Area: Elementary Education
Minor Area: History

Internship, Beech Mountain Elementary School, Elk Park, NC.  Cooperating teacher: Ms. Sharon Johnson.  Observed, planned several lessons, taught, assisted in tasks, participated in after school tutorial program.  Spring 2001

Camp Counselor and gymnastic coordinator, YMCA Camp Thunderbird, South Carolina.
Worked as a counselor where I was in charge of ten to fifteen girls per summer session.
May-August 1996

Instructional Strategies/Assessments
I produced an interdisciplinary unit that accommodates different reading levels, Literature Circle. (Figure out location)
I am able to administer a WRI.

Chi Omega Fraternity, director of Sisterhood, 1997-2001
Member, Rho Chi, where I acted as a guide, and councilor to ten girls going through rush.
Member of Order of the Omega, a community service honor society.

Received Dean’s List, North Carolina Teaching Fellows, Hood-Haggard Scholarship.

Instructional Technology Skills
Windows 95, 98, Internet and World Wide Web, create and edit web pages,

Career Objective
Seeking K-6 full time position as a classroom teacher.

Betty Dishman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Jeff Goodman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Sharon Johnson
K-1 Classroom Teacher
Beech Mountain Elementary School
(828) 963-8220

Dr. Pamela Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Dr. Bob Schlagal
Department of Language, Reading, and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
[email protected]