Meredith A. Macon

Personal Data
Born: September 3, 1979
School Address: ASU box 17795
       Boone NC, 28608
       Permanent:  1619 Eastwood Dr.
       Kannapolis, NC 28083

Will Graduate from Appalachian State a degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Theatrical Arts in December 2002.

Counselor at United Methodist Camp Tekoa during the summer from 1995 to 2000.
Tutor reading for CI 2800 at Hardin Park Elementary 1999.
Internship for five weeks at Bethel Elementary in Mrs. Jones 3rd grade class.

Activities and Interest
Appalachian Young People’s Theater Performer spring, 2000.
Hobbies: soap bubbles, reading, and sewing

Dean’s list, fall 2000

Instructional Technology Skills
Telefoilo on the World Wide Web required me to be able to use word processing, Netscape Composer, scanner, digital video camera, and iMovie to fulfill Technology Competencies and INTASC standards

Career Objective
Seeking a teaching position in grades 3-5.
