Sarah Otvos, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

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Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

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Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact #1
Earth Day Musical – This project is designed to give students a chance to work together in cooperative groups in order to create a musical production.

This musical was done as a part of my Music 2021 class at ASU during my junior year.  This class focused on the teaching and use of music in the elementary school classroom.  The group of girls that I worked on this project with was randomly selected and we were told that we had to create a musical entitled Earth Day.  The music had already been written and the words were found in a music textbook and on a compact disk.  Our job was to create and perform dances that went along with the songs.  We were also instructed to assemble a set and props to go along with our musical.  Once the musical was complete, we performed it for our class while our professor videotaped it.

After working on and performing this musical, I understand the importance of group work and cooperation.  This project would be wonderful to do in a 3rd-5th-grade classroom because these students are at an appropriate maturity level for this type of composition.  Students would be required to work together and compromise, while creating a musical and educational show.  Most children like to perform so this would most likely be an enjoyable experience for everyone.  This activity offers a lot of room for creativity and inventive thinking.  Each child will be able to get involved in one way or another and help each other make important decisions.  The activity is also rewarding and can be shared with family members and schoolmates as it is performed.

This musical is almost completely student led, which makes is a great learning experience for everyone in the classroom.  It gives students responsibility and requires them to cooperate with and encourage each other.  As a teacher, this activity does not require a lot of work, however, a good teacher knows that this is valuable and positive interaction.  Students can always use a break from the norm and this musical allows for just that.  Since the title is Earth Day and discusses conservation and taking care of our earth, students could also use this project as an opportunity to research the environment and what we can do to help and preserve it.  Overall, this activity promotes a constructive, upbeat classroom environment (INTASC #5).