Sarah Otvos, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact #10
ESL Inquiry Project – This project is an in-depth study of ESL students and the ways in which teachers and students can help these students learn and adapt in today’s classrooms.

This project was completed as a part of my Elementary School Curriculum and Instruction class during my Block experience at ASU.  I was placed in a group of my classmates and we were told to research and present all that we could find out about ESL students in today’s classroom.

This project opened my eyes to the vast amount of special learners that I will have in my future classrooms.  While working on this project, I came across a lot of valuable resources that will help to make ESL students more comfortable and more productive in the classroom.  The resources also help teachers learn more about the ESL student and what types of reinforcement they need from the teacher, school, and community.  The references that my group has located include websites, books, and people in the community.

The information from the project provides support and learning for teachers who want to know more about this special student in their classroom.  Our resource page includes many websites that are easily accessible and include teacher tips and suggestions when working with ESL students (Tech. Comp. 13.2).  Through this project, I have also located websites that may help ESL students with their schoolwork and can translate words from their language into English (Tech. Comp. 13.3).  While researching this project, my group and I created a resource list of websites and books that can be helpful to teachers of ESL students.  We also attended a presentation done by a local ESL teacher and we included her as a valuable resource on this list.  We found that there are many places to look for and find the services and resources you need when dealing with a special learner (Tech. Comp. 13.4).  After completing this assignment, I became more aware of the many ways in which I, as a teacher, can help students of all learning levels succeed in school.  The resources I discovered during this project will help me deal with and accommodate my lessons for ESL students (INTASC #4).  Before beginning this project, I realized that I did not know a whole lot about ESL students and the resources required to help them in school.  I am glad that I have taken the time to research the situation more fully and continue my learning by going to see the ESL speaker.  Her presentation helped me more fully understand what these children are going through and how I, as a teacher, can help make their transition into the school a bit easier and less intimidating (INTASC #9).