Amanda L. Schwartz

Personal Data

Born: December 26, 1978

Address and Phone:  130 Birch St. Apt. #5
                                 Boone, N.C. 28607
                                 (828) 264-1643
                                  [email protected]


B.A., Elementary Education with a concentration in Spanish, Appalachian State University, December 2001

Certificates Held

Major Area: Elementary Education, K-6


· Internship, Bethel School, Sugar Grove, N.C, Spring 2001.  Cooperating teacher: Miss Tracey Stem.  Observed, assisted and taught in a regular 4th grade class in a rural setting, also taught accelerated math to small groups.
· Student Teaching, Mabel School, Sugar Grove, N.C, Fall 2001.  Cooperating teacher: Mrs. Patsy Alley

Instructional Strategies/Assessments

Created a Literature Circles unit on the World Wide Web, an interdisciplinary unit that accommodates different reading levels – see

Am familiar with and able to use WRI,  and Spelling Assessment

Activities and Interests

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Outdoor Activities

Professional Memberships

Student North Carolina Association of Educators

Instructional Technology Skills

Word processing, Internet and World Wide Web, Netscape Composer, Adobe Photoshop, iMovie, digital and video cameras
Created an online activity for elementary students integrating technology skills and language arts, see

Professional portfolio created in Netscape Composer and posted on the Internet, see

Career Objective

Seeking K-6 position in multicultural/multilingual setting


Mitchell Yates, Principal, Bethel School

Pam Schram, professor, Appalachian State University