Mary Kathleen Teague

Personal Data
Born: January 1, 1979
Address and Phone: 4278 C Bell McRary PL
                             Granite Falls, NC 28630
                             [email protected]

Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute, August 1997-May 1999
BS, Elementary Education, Appalachian State University, December 2001

Certificates Held
Major Area: Elementary Education K-6
Minor Area: Concentration in Psychology

Internship, Mabel Elementary School, First Grade Class, Spring 2001
Student Teaching, Mabel Elementary School, First Grade Class, Fall 2001

Activities and Interest
Resident Assistant, Belk Hall, Appalachian State University, Fall 2000-Spring 2001
Hobbies: Reading

Deans List, Appalachian State University

Professional Memberships
Not at the moment, but plan to be.

Instructional Technology Skills
Technology Portfolio is on the web at the following address:
Word-processing, search World Wide Web, use scanner, iMovie, Netscape Composer to create and edit WebPages, Adobe Photoshop, digital camera and video.
Interdisciplinary Unit that incorporates different instructional levels.

Career Objective
Seeking K-2 position in Elementary School.

Pam Schram, Appalachian State University
Beth Frye, Bethel Elementary School
Amy Cunningham, Mabel Elementary School
Betty Dishman, Appalachian State University