Molly Carlberg
Philosophy of Teaching

      As I look back on my career at Appalachian State University, I think about how my dreams of teaching have only come true.  Ever since I was a

little girl sitting in a small desk as a student, I’ve dreamed of becoming a teacher.  Through all of my hard work, my dream is finally coming true.

Teaching is something that comes from the heart and the knowledge that you give is one of the greatest gifts.  To teach is to give unbearably and to

care and love for the students in the classroom and beyond.   Lastly, teaching is to make a difference and touch the lives of the students.

    Making a difference to a child is something that I will strive for everyday of my career.  I feel that that is one of the most important reasons for

teaching.  If I know that I have made a difference and touched one child’s life, then I will know that I have done my job.  I want to give back to

society what was given to me.  I feel like the experiences that I have had throughout my education have helped build and shape the person that I have

become.  I want to build challenges for my student to make them realize that they can accomplish so much more than they ever would think.  I want

to teach them how to love and to be loved.  I want to install a lasting impression that they will carry throughout their education and for the rest of their

lives.  I will force them to do their very best and hold them accountable for every action and reaction.  Despite the challenges, I have these goals and

aspire them to be held true.

    School is a place where you meet your best friends and create so many lasting memories.  I will make sure that the children know that they can call

their teacher their friend.  I will make sure that I build a trusting and friendly relationship with each of my students.  This bond will come after they

learn to respect me and realize that I love and respect them.  It is my job to make sure that I provide a safe and positive environment for each and

every one of my students.  I will create this type of environment through guidance, structure, and consistent discipline.  Relationships and bonds that

are created between students and teachers can last a lifetime.  When teaching you receive so much more than you give and that’s what makes it such

a special and incredible profession.

    As a teacher, I will strive to do my very best for my students.  I want to educate them in a way that is vibrant and successful.  I know that kids

learn in many different ways and it is my job to come up with that many ways to present the information.  Challenges and mistakes are two things that

make us grow as people as well as teachers.  I feel that in this profession you are always learning something new and that’s what is so exciting.

    I am so very thankful for the experiences that I have been so lucky to have during the last few years, working towards my career.  Teaching

requires desire and heart, along with experience.  Although experience will come with time, desire and my heart have always been dedicated.  I am

thankful for the challenges and exciting people and places that I will be faced with, but I am so thankful that I will get the opportunity to do what I
