Tonya G. Hamby-Ward
1614 Kellersville Rd
Banner Elk, NC 28604
[email protected]
Objective: I am seeking a position with in the grade levels of K-6.
Education: Appalachian State University
Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education December 2002
Experience: Mabel Elementary School Fall 2002
Zionville, North Carolina
Student Teacher
Cooperating Teacher: Amy Cunningham K-1 combination
Develop lesson plans and units that meet both kindergarten and first
grade standard course
of study objectives.
Use a variety of teaching styles to meet individual learning needs.
Conduct and manage discipline within a classroom of 21 students.
Initiate hands-on computer activities that correspond with lesson plans
and help develop early
computer skills.
Expand experience by attending professional development workshops, PTO
meetings, and
parent/teacher conferences.
Beech Mountain Elementary School Spring 2002
Elk Park, North Carolina
Cooperating Teacher: Sharon Johnson K-1 combination
Planned and developed many units spanning both curriculum levels.
Assisted in planning numerous field trips.
Used DRTAs (Directed Reading Teaching Activities) to help accommodate
many different reading levels.
Attended staff meetings, student/teacher consultations, and had the opportunity
to proctor a sixth grade
reading test.
Substitute Teacher Watauga County 2001-Present:
Opportunity to work with many different grade levels.
Experience in following lesson plans and generating lesson ideas on the
Observation of many different classroom set-ups and classroom management
Experience: Blowing Rock Elementary School Spring 2000
Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Fifth Dimension Tutor
Tutored all age levels of after school children with numerous computer
Computer Skills:
Web page construction: Netscape Composer
Adobe Photoshop
Digital Cameras
Digital Scanners
Experience: Wal-mart Associate: 1996-present
Claims Office Associate
Obtained leadership and time management skills.
Opportunity to be a member of the hiring committee. Developed interviews
and screening processes.
Expanded customer service skills.
Worked as part of a team.
Honors: Deans
Chancellors List
Phi Eta Sigma: National Honor Society
Kappa Delta Pi: International Honor Society in Education
Prospective Teachers of Mathematics Association: PTMA
References Available Upon Request
Technology Portfolio and Work Examples Available Upon Request
Jeff Goodman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
(828) 262-2176
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs. Betty Dishman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
(828) 262-3132
e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Mrs. Beth Frye
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Pam Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
(828) 262-2233
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Bob Schlagal
Department of Language, Reading, and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Sharon Johnson
Kindergarten/First Grade Teacher
Beech Mountain Elementary School
60 Flat Springs Road
Elk Park, NC 28622
Fax 828-898-8318
Michelle M. Miller
Personal Director Wal-mart #2496
200 Watauga Village Dr
Boone NC 28607
Fax 828-262-1207
Amy Cunningham
Kindergarten/First Grade Teacher
Mabel Elementary School
404 Mabel School Road
Zionville, NC 28698
Phone (828) 297-2512
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