Tonya G. Hamby-Ward
1614 Kellersville Rd
Banner Elk, NC 28604
[email protected]


Objective: I am seeking a position with in the grade levels of K-6.

Education: Appalachian State University
                  Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education December 2002
Experience: Mabel Elementary School Fall 2002
                     Zionville, North Carolina
                     Student Teacher
                     Cooperating Teacher: Amy Cunningham K-1 combination
                         • Develop lesson plans and units that meet both kindergarten and first grade standard course
                           of study objectives.
                         • Use a variety of teaching styles to meet individual learning needs.
                         • Conduct and manage discipline within a classroom of 21 students.
                         • Initiate hands-on computer activities that correspond with lesson plans and help develop early
                           computer skills.
                         • Expand experience by attending professional development workshops, PTO meetings, and
                           parent/teacher conferences.

                  Beech Mountain Elementary School Spring 2002
                  Elk Park, North Carolina
                  Cooperating Teacher:  Sharon Johnson K-1 combination
                          • Planned and developed many units spanning both curriculum levels.
                          • Assisted in planning numerous field trips.
                          • Used DRTAs (Directed Reading Teaching Activities) to help accommodate many different reading levels.
                          • Attended staff meetings, student/teacher consultations, and had the opportunity to proctor a sixth grade
                            reading test.

                Substitute Teacher Watauga County 2001-Present:
                          • Opportunity to work with many different grade levels.
                          • Experience in following lesson plans and generating lesson ideas on the spot.
                          • Observation of many different classroom set-ups and classroom management strategies.

Experience: Blowing Rock Elementary School Spring 2000
                     Blowing Rock, North Carolina
                     Fifth Dimension Tutor
                          • Tutored all age levels of after school children with numerous computer programs.

Computer Skills:

                    MSExcel                      MSPowerPoint
                    MSWord                     Web page construction: Netscape Composer
                    MSWorks                    Adobe Photoshop
                    Digital Cameras
                    Digital Scanners

Experience: Wal-mart Associate: 1996-present
                     Claims Office Associate
                        • Obtained leadership and time management skills.
                        • Opportunity to be a member of the hiring committee.  Developed interviews and screening processes.
                        • Expanded customer service skills.
                        • Worked as part of a team.

Honors:         Dean’s List
                      Chancellor’s List

                      Phi Eta Sigma:  National Honor Society
                      Kappa Delta Pi:  International Honor Society in Education
                      Prospective Teachers of Mathematics Association:  PTMA

References Available Upon Request
Technology Portfolio and Work Examples Available Upon Request


Jeff Goodman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
(828) 262-2176
e-mail:  [email protected]

Mrs. Betty Dishman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
 (828) 262-3132
e-mail:  [email protected]  or  [email protected]

Mrs. Beth Frye
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
e-mail:  [email protected]

Dr. Pam Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
 (828) 262-2233
e-mail:  [email protected]

Dr. Bob Schlagal
Department of Language, Reading, and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
e-mail:  [email protected]

Sharon Johnson
Kindergarten/First Grade Teacher
Beech Mountain Elementary School
60 Flat Springs Road
Elk Park, NC 28622
Fax 828-898-8318

Michelle M. Miller
Personal Director Wal-mart #2496
200 Watauga Village Dr
Boone NC 28607
Fax 828-262-1207

Amy Cunningham
Kindergarten/First Grade Teacher
Mabel Elementary School
404 Mabel School Road
Zionville, NC  28698
Phone (828) 297-2512

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