North Carolina Standard Course of Study Requirements Met by Algebra in the Media

8th Grade

4.02 Collect data involving two variables and display on a scatterplot; interpret results; identify positive and negative relationships.
4.04 Evaluate arguments based on data. Discuss random vs. biased sampling

9-12 Grades

3.04 Investigate the concept of slope. (Introductory Mathematics)

2.01 Use formulas and algebraic expressions (from science, geometry, statistics, etc.) to solve problems. (Algebra I)
3.01 Translate word phrases and sentences into expressions and equations and vice versa.
3.02 Identify properties and relationships of data in tables, graphs, and equations.
3.04 Graph and interpret in the context of the problem, relations and functions on the coordinate plane. Include linear equations and inequalities, quadratics, and exponentials.
3.05 Determine and use slopes of linear relationships to solve problems.
Find the slope of a line given the graph of the line, an equation of the line, or two points on the line.
Describe the slope of the line in the context of a problem situation.
3.06 Write the equation of and graph linear relationships given the following information:
Slope and y-intercept
Slope and one point on the line
Two points on the line
3.07 Investigate and determine the effects of changes in slope and intercepts on the graph and equation of a line.
Change only slope.
Change only the x- or y-intercept.
Change the slope and an intercept
4.02 Recognize and identify linear and non-linear data.
4.03 Create and use linear models based on real data.
Graph the data.
Write a linear equation which models a set of real data.
Describe the slope and intercepts in the context of the data.
Check the model for goodness-of-fit and use the model to make predictions.

Information Skills Curriculum Goals Met by Algebra in the Media

8-10th Grades

1.05  Identify elements of composition
1.06  Identify characteristics of various genres
1.08  Select and use independently, both within and outside the school, a variety of resources and formats.
1.09  Recognize that ideas are produced in a variety of formats.
1.10  Identify characteristics and advantages of various media formats.
2.02  Apply identified criteria to select sources.
2.04  Develop and articulate personal criteria for selecting resources for informatin needs and enjoyment.
2.05  Determine accuracy, relevence, and comprehensiveness
2.06  Recognize the power of media to influence.
5.03  Describe, support an opinion, and/or persuade an audience using a variety of media formats.