Amanda Margaret Rose
Permanent Address: 2401 Meadowbrooke Ave., Apt. B
New Bern, NC 28562
(252 633-2266)
[email protected]
Current Address: 210 Buena Vista #3
Boone, NC 28607
(828) 263-8074
OBJECTIVE: Seeking K-6 position
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education December 2002
Major Area: Elementary Education, K-6
Cumulative GPA: 3.65
Minor Area: Psychology
Student Teaching
Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC Fall 2002
Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC
Spring 2002
Cooperating teacher: Ms. Susan Brookshire
During my internship experience, I worked with students in a first grade
I reviewed math software dealing with measurement and directed these
games to the class, in the computer lab.
I taught a math unit on measurement using the Investigations curriculum.
I worked with a small reading group everyday. In the reading
group, I perform DRTAs on the stories the students were reading from the
basal series. I assist on their assigned workbook pages and reviewed
spelling patterns with them.
I have had many opportunities to work one-on-one with the students in the
I tutored a student in math after school.
I assisted the students in collecting weekly and monthly weather data and
creating graphs based on this information.
Summer Camp Teaching Assistant
Munchkin Academy, Buxton, NC
Summer 2000
I worked with children whose ages ranged from six to twelve.
I assisted students in games, outdoor activities, art activities, and field
Student Employment: Dan’l Boone Inn. Boone, NC Summer 2001-
Member of ASU Student Government-1999
Member of ASU Ski Club-Fall 1998-Spring 1999
Appol Corps Leader (Freshman Leader)- Fall 2000
Catholic Campus Ministry member-Fall 2001
Prospective Mathematics Teacher Organization- Spring 2002
Volunteer for the Watauga Humane Society Fall 1998-Fall 2002
Chancellor’s List- Fall 2001
Dean’s List- Every semester except Fall 2001
Honor Societies
Gamma Beta Phi –Spring 1999-Spring 2002
Alpha Chi –Spring 2001-Fall 2002
Kappa Delta Pi-Spring 2001-Fall 2002
National Guard Scholarship –Fall 1998
New Bern Historical Society Scholarship-Fall 1998-Spring 2002
Bangert Scholarship-Fall 1998-Spring 2002
Nina Annas Lee- Awarded Spring 2001,2002
Edith Lackey Scholarship- Awarded Spring 2001
Long, College of Education Scholarship-Awarded Spring 2002
Loi Jan Elise Christman Scholarship-Awarded Spring 2002
Reich Teaching Award- Awarded Spring 2002
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