Amanda Margaret Rose

Permanent Address: 2401 Meadowbrooke Ave., Apt. B
New Bern, NC 28562
(252 633-2266)
[email protected]

Current Address: 210 Buena Vista #3
Boone, NC 28607
(828) 263-8074

OBJECTIVE: Seeking K-6 position

Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Bachelor of Science:  Elementary Education December 2002
Major Area: Elementary Education, K-6                               Cumulative GPA:  3.65
Minor Area: Psychology

Student Teaching
Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC Fall 2002

Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC               Spring 2002

 Summer Camp Teaching Assistant
 Munchkin Academy, Buxton, NC                      Summer 2000 LEADERSHIP AND INVOLVEMENT HONORS & AWARDS Honor Societies Scholarships

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