Title: Where In the USA is Carmen Sandiego?
Publisher: The Learning Company
Date Published: 1985
Platform: Mac or Windows? Windows
Content Area: What is the primary content area addressed with this software? Geography and Social Studies
Range ofGradeLevels: What range of grade levels is appropriate for this software? 3rd through 8th grade
Content Description: Include an elaboration about the specific content, purpose, flexibility/versatility, games levels, description of game with examples, player description, time needed to play, and best use (individual, small, whole group). Carmen is a criminal and you fly all over the USA trying to catch crooks to eventually get to her. She has stolen something and has helpers that are out there as a diversion to make it difficult for her to get caught right away. The quicker you can catch her, the better chance you have at becoming a sluth, which is the ultimate goal of the game. It allows children to become as familiar as possible with the 50 states and their geographic location as well as use a skatabase that allows you to look up information. It is versatile in that the crooks are always different and the states that are under warrant change with each game you play so you become familiar with all of them. For example, Carmen is in Washington, but you may have to go through Colorado, North Carolina, Kansas and Wyoming catching all of her hired crooks before you catch her. The players are all as expected. The crooks are evil looking, long, shaggy beards, baggy clothing and dirty. Carmen is tall and skinny and quite beautiful. As a child, you can imagine who they would want to catch by pure physical appearance regardless of whether or not she is the bad guy. The game varies in time, depending on how fast you catch Carmen. On average, I would say it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to play one game all the way through. The game is best played individually unless you feel inadequate in your state knowledge and seek the help of some friends. It is much more fun to play alone, so when you become a sluth, it is your own glory.
(Check all that apply)
X Drill and Practice
X Game
X Problem Solving
Strengths/Weaknesses: Note the ease of play, as well as specific strengths and weaknesses of the software. This software is informative, contains great graphics, a variety of music and has a generalized memory. In each mission, you will encounter activities that test your deductive reasoning and your ability to notice and remember detail, that will, in turn, help you figure out what you have to do next. You will also be motivated to read about the various states, as sometimes you will find a clue in the information. The learning elements of the program are interwoven with the sleuthing experience.The program is not only introducing knowledge of geography and different cultures, but is also exercising your thinking skills. With eight missions, the program has lots of user mileage on it, not to mention travel. There are not many weaknesses in this program that I found other than it is a bit difficult but a good challenge and it is expensive, $30.If you have a child with a shorter attention span or isn't so attentive to detail, this may not the program for them.
How would using this software add to a lesson or a classroom? (That is, why use it, rather than just teaching without it?) Introduction to the geography, people, solving problem skills and culture. It is a fun way to get kids excited about the states and the characteristics that make each one unique.
Would you use this software with your students? Why or why not? Yes. This program is well suited for those who love a mental challenge and have the patience to solve problems whose answers are not immediately obvious. This program will test your ability to stick with it, be patient, remember detail, be flexible, and use the information you have gathered to figure out what to do next. It definitely is an excellent program for someone who has a curiosity about other states and cultures. If your child enjoys this type of experience, then Where in The USA is Carmen Sandiego is a very good program.
Rating: Rate the software from 1 to 10 with ten being the best. Explain why you rated it this way. 6. It is great software but the ease of play for young kids may be difficult. The older kids will find it challenging but in a positive and helpful way.
User Comments: List comments from kids (with ages), parents, and/or teachers.
"I really liked the way you could move around
exploring and piecing together the clues. The program was easy to work
and you could really move around fast."
- Henry, age 13
" I had to work on this one. I really liked
figuring out how to get the code right in the code machine in the back
of the car in Moscow. It wasn't simple."-
- Sam, age 11
" We had the old version of Carmen Sandiego
and liked it a lot. This one is even better."
- Jessica, age 11
Links: Include at least one link related to this software that would be useful. Examples include other reviews, catalogs/sources, and lesson plans. Be sure and briefly describe the link. www.learnnc.org is a great web page that not only has detailed lesson plans but also has many that are geared around educational software. This site also has the competency goals met by the lesson already listed for you.
Who are the authors of the reviews?
Judy Pozar, Tina Vilgos and William T. Yates.
What is the source
of the review?
Based on this review,
would you be interested in trying this software? Why?
Yes, the reviews all gave positive feedback
on the software which makes me inclined to at least try it in my classroom.
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