Jackie Thomas
Philosophy of Teaching

     I have pondered throughout my career here at Appalachian State University, what my philosophy of teaching is. I believe that it is a sacrifice you give of yourself to give back to others. I build my desire to teach on what it truly means. To teach is to foster and provide for those you care for, in the classroom and beyond. To teach, is to love with all of your heart, what you are doing and who you are doing it for. Lastly, to teach is to understand your role to be able to make a difference.
   That is how I view teaching, making a difference. If I make a difference in one child’s life, I have succeeded as a teacher, or at least the teacher I aspire to be. I have always seen teaching as a rewarding vocation. I want to give back to society what was given to me so many years ago in my elementary education. I believe what they did for me, the fostering and the nurturing, I too can provide for someone else. I want to make a difference in children’s lives. I want to be the best at what I do and love every day that I do it. I want to provide a challenge for my students as well as encouragement and prosperity. I want to teach them to love and be loved. I want to instill a lasting impression on them that they carry throughout their education just as I did. I want to force them to do better even if they are at their best and hold them accountable for every action and reaction. I have these goals and aspire for them to be held true, despite challenges.
     School for me was an escape from the everyday home life. It was a place for me to be social as well as knowledgeable. I want that for my children. I want them to feel loved and supported throughout the day, everyday, so that the safe haven they have in their mind remains forever vivid. Among feeling loved, I want them to feel challenged and pushed. I never want to here the word “bored” or “not fun”, because they will be too busy and too enthralled to think of such language. I want them to feel my classroom is a safe and stable place for them to come and learn. More than anything, I want my children to succeed both mentally and academically. I will establish this kind of environment through guidance, structure and consistent discipline. All of these provide a safety net for these children as they move into upper grades. If you start young, they will be the apples of your eye.
     As a teacher, I strive to provide ample opportunities for my students to grow as people and learners. I want to educate them in a way, which is fun and successful. I feel very strongly that kids learn in many different ways and hope to adhere to those challenges. Together we can orchestrate a creative learning environment that is suitable for both the students and myself. I will model respect and demand that respect be given to all things and to others, including me. I feel with my openness and flexibility, that I will be able to accommodate the needs of my students.
     I consider teaching as my calling. I have always known that teaching is what I should be doing and the thought of the challenge still inspires me. To be a teacher, requires both experience and heart. Although, the experience will come with time, my heart has and always will be there. My desire to teach is so overwhelming, that I am excited everyday that I get the opportunity to do what I love.

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