Michael Thompson

Personal Data
Born:  May 22 1978
Address and Phone:
4341 Belltown Road
Oxford N.C. 27565
(919) 693-9785

B.S., Elementary Education, Appalachian State University, December 2002

Certificates Held
Major:  Elementary Education, K-6
Minor:  Music


Internship:  Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC Spring 2002
Cooperating Teacher:  Ms. Diane Butts
During my internship at Mabel Elementary School, I worked with third grade students.  This experience was a great learning experience.  Over the course of my internship I performed several teaching task.  I supervised a reading group and taught the novel “The Trumpet of the Swan”, using the literature circle method.  I also taught a unit on poetry, focusing on writing and interpreting poetry.  I also taught several math lessons that focused on a review for the End of Grade Test.

Creative Drama Teaching Experience:  Fall 2001 Creative Drama Class:  Teacher; Teresa Lee
During my Creative Drama class I developed a unit of four consecutive lesson plans and taught them to a class of first graders at Hardin Park Elementary school.

Substitute Teacher:  Granville County Schools: 2001 – present
As a substitute teacher for Granville County Schools, I was called upon to overlook classes from grades K- 8.

Camp Counselor: Granville County Summer SAALT:  Summer 2001
As a camp counselor for the Granville County Summer SAALT program I was in charge of supervising a group of students between the ages of 7 -10.  During this program I also wrote and directed a production of Cinderella that the children performed for the parents on the last day.

Activities and Interest:
Member of Henderson Rec. Players community theater group.

Appalachian State University Student of the Month for Housing and Residence Life:  2001
President of Resident Student Association 2001

Instructional Technology Skills
Technology Portfolio @

Career Objectives
Seeking K-6 position

Betty Dishman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Jeff Goodman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Dr. Pamela Schram
Appalachian State University
[email protected]