Foreign Language

iLoveLanguages is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources.Whether you're looking for online language lessons, translating dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language schools, or just a little information on a language you've heard about visit here.

The Instant Access Treasure Chest The Foreign Language Teacher's Guide to Learning Disabilities has websites and articles on multiple learning disorders from ADD to Visual deficits, government resources and legal information.

Language Links is a site that lists materials for use by teachers and learners of languages and other WWW sites. Additional resources for language learning are also provided.

Foreign Language Lesson Plans and Resources is a website for teachers with students ranging from K-Community College. Teachers will find resources for students who are native speakers as well as for students learning Spanish as a foreign language.This site also lists museums and exhibits.

Foreign Language Resources This fantastic site offers an alternative dictionary collection, the first international collection of tongue-twisters, the list of language listsservs quia, foreign language quizzes and other pages like this one.


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