Check Sheet for Introduction Assignments (Unit 1)

___ Student card downloaded, completed, and sent as e-mail attachment to [email protected] (1)


___ Google account and gmail account created and e-mail from this account sent to [email protected] (2a)

___ Blog created (2b)

___ Blog url address sent in email to [email protected];
then find your blog on our class blog after you receive my e-mail confirmation (2c)


___ Autobiographical introduction written and saved as MS Word file (3a)

___ Autobiographical introduction posted onto your blog (3b)


___ Posting a reaction to teachers' blogs (4)

___ exploration summary on Blog (4a) OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENT


___ NCSCOS Worksheet completed, saved and e-mailed to [email protected] (5a) Example of completed worksheet.

___ Blog summary of NCSCOS (5b)


___ Blog summary of professional organization (6)


___ Blog reactions to article (7)


___ Comments to other students on their blogs (8)
Minimum of ONE comment/response to each blog assignment (FIVE minimum) and FIVE (minimum) responses to students' autobiographies and ONE (minimum) reponse to instructor's autobiography. A total of 11 (minimum) responses expected for Unit I.