Bud, Not Buddy
Fifth grade (on level)
Section 1 Chapters 1-3 (pages 1-30)

Discussion Director
Instructions: Your job is to write five questions from section 1 of your book.  Question types to use are: MCEOG, Point of View, Problem/Solution, Mood, and Cause/Effect.  Make sure that you prove your answer by giving the page and paragraph number!  Also make sure you give the answer to your question.

1.  All of the following describe Bud except which one?
    a.  determined p. 28 par. 5
    b.  scared p. 29 par. 2
    c.  happy
    d.  brave p. 13 par. 6
answer: c. happy

2.  At the end of Chapter 3, how does Bud feel?  Why?
answer: He is angry because the Amoses locked him in the shed and kept him away from his belongings. p. 30, line 5

Point of View
3.  From whose point of view is this book written?  How do you know?
answer: Bud Caldwell's, because on p. 1 par. 2, it says, "She stopped at me and said, "Are you Buddy Caldwell?""

4.  Why did Bud break through the window in the shed?
answer: To get away from the hornets.  p. 29 par. 2

5.  Describe one of Bud's problems in this section of the book.  What attempts does he make to solve the problem?
Problem: He is locked in the shed.
Solution: He tries to solve it by trying to: open the door, break down the door, and break open the window.
p. 19 par. 7, p. 26 par. 2, p. 28 par. 5, p. 29 par. 2

Passage Picker
Instructions:  Your job is to choose 4 passages from section 1 of this book.  The types of passages to choose are: Funny/Amusing, Descriptive, Figurative Language, and Intriguing.  Write down the page and paragraph number of the passage, the first and last two words of the passage, and the reason you chose this passage (make sure you explain why!).  Then, ask a question about your passage and give an answer.  Finally, write down the author's purpose (to descibe, to entertain, to inform, or to persuade).

Passage 1-Funny/Amusing
Page 5, paragraph 3
"At first...as good as they used to be."
I chose this passage because it is funny.  It is exactly what a child would think about losing their teeth.
Question: Why does Bud say that losing teeth is the "scariest thing you can think of"?
Answer: Because you lose control of your tongue at the same time.
Author's purpose: To entertain

Passage 2-Descriptive
Page 7, paragraph 3
"In the picture...9 until ?"
I chose this passage because it gives all the description of Bud's father that he has right now.  I think that it will be important later on.
Question: Why does Bud say his father must be tired?
Answer: Because he has a droopy, dreamy look on his face.
Author's purpose: To describe

Passage 3-Figurative Language
Page 10, paragraph 3
"Todd looked...see me."
I chose this passage because of the simile (his chest going up and down so hard that it looked like some kind of big animal was inside of him trying to bust out).
Question: What two things are being compared in this simile?
Answer: Todd's chest and a big animal
Author's purpose: To describe

Passage 4-Intriguing
Page 29, paragraph 5
"I simmered...my revenge!"
I chose this passage because it was intriguing.  I was mad at the Amoses for being mean to Bud, and I want to know what he is going to do.
Question: Why does Bud want to get revenge on the Amoses?
Answer: Because they locked him in the shed with the hornets.
Author's purpose: To describe

Character Sketcher
Instructions: Your job is to do a character sketch of Bud Caldwell based on the first section of the book.  You will find 3 character traits that describe Bud, and prove it by giving an example, including the page and paragraph number.  Then, you will tell one of Bud's goals.  The next task you will do is to find one of his problems in this section and the solution or possible solution to the problem.  Finally, you will illustrate Bud Caldwell.

Character Traits/Proof (3)
1.  compassionate-when he tries to cheer Jerry up and console him about going to a new foster home. p. 3 par. 6
2.  proud-because he has his own suitcase. p. 6 par. 2
3.  brave-when he wouldn't let Todd beat him up without a fight. p. 13 par. 6

Character Goal
To get back to the Children's Home with all of his belongings. p. 17 par. 5

The Amoses lock him in the shed and keep his belongings in the house. p. 15 par. 4

To break out of the shed and get into the house to get his things.  p. 29 last paragraph-p. 30

Word Wizard
Instructions: Your job is to write down 4 words: engagement, cur, urchin, and conscience.  Then write down the page and paragraph numbers each word is found in.  Copy the sentence from the book in which the word appears.  Then, look up the word in the dictionary and, using your context clues and the dictionary definition, write down in your own words the definition of the word.  Next, write down the correct part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb).  Make up a question and the answer or a sentence about the word that would help you to teach the word to your group.  Finally, make your word wizard card.  On the card, be sure to include in large print your word and the page and paragraph number.  On the other side of your card, include a picture, the word, and the definition.

1.  engagement-page 6, paragraph 6
"Across the top of the flyer writ in big black letters were the words LIMITED ENGAGEMENT, then in little letters it said "Direct from an S.R.O. engagement in New York City"."
Definition-a promise or undertaking
Bud's father had a musical engagement in Flint, Michigan, so they knew he would be there.

2.  cur-page 10, paragraph 5
"You littler cur, what have you done to Toddy?"
Definition-a bad tempered or worthless dog
Question-Why did Mrs. Amos call Bud a cur?
Answer-Because she thought he was worthless because she thought he hurt her son in a fight.

3.  urchin-page 12, paragraph 7
"I've never gotten it in as deep as the N on any of you other little street urchins."
Definition-a troublesome small boy
Question-Why does Todd define Bud and the other foster children as urchins?
Answer-Because they are  troublesome to him and his spoiled world.

4.  conscience-page 15, paragraph 1
"I do hope your conscience plagues you because you may have ruined things for many others."
Definition-the awareness inside your head that tells you what is right and wrong
Question-Why did Mrs. Amos think that Bud's conscience would "plague" him?
Answer-Because she thought that he had been the one at fault and that he was wrong.



Instructions: Your job is to prepare a brief summary of this section.  Make sure that you give the key points or the main highlights of today's reading assignment.

In today's section, we began reading Bud, Not Buddy.  The book begins with Bud Caldwell in a Children's Home.  He goes to live with a foster family, the Amoses.  They have a 12-year old son, Todd, who does not like Bud.  They get into a fight, and Bud gets locked in the shed for the night.  He hits a hornet's nest with a rake because he believes that it is a vampire bat, and the hornets begin to sting him furiously.  Bud breaks through the window, and wants to get into the house to get his belongings and to get revenge on the Amoses.