School Days
Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder
5th grade (level 3 readers)
Pages 1-31

Discussion Director

    Today your job is to be the discussion director.  You will come up with questions that the group will discuss about this part of the book. Be sure to form questions about parts of the reading that you feel are important.  Be able to tell the group WHY you feel this way.   You will come up with:


1)  Where and when does the story take place?

Answer:  2.5 miles from town on the banks of Plum Creek about 1870.  p. 1 par. 4


2)  Tell three things that happened in this section and give the reasons why it happened.

- Laura and Mary will start going to school in town.  This happened because Ma said that little girls who were almost 8 years old should be learning to read or write.
- Laura and Mary were embarrassed once they reached the schoolhouse on Monday morning.  They were embarrassed because their dresses were shorter than the girls who lived in town and they did not have a slate to work on. p. 13 par. 4
p.19. par. 5
- Laura almost slaps Nellie Oleson.  The reason this happened was because Nellie had grabbed Laura's long braids and jerked them very hard.  She was pulled down to the ground.  She was very angry but did not slap her because she knew it was not the right thing to do.  p. 29 par. 1-4


What do you predict will happen to Laura in the next section?

I think that Laura will not be able to control herself and get back at Nellie.  She will get in trouble with her teacher and her parents.


Passage Picker

    Today your job is to be the Passage Picker.  You will pick important passages from the pages we have read.  You will tell the group why you feel this passage is important and help the group discuss it.  For this section choose 4 passages from the following reasons:

Make sure you include the page and paragraph number that your passages are found on.


Page 5  He sat - dark hair.

This passage gives the reader a very detailed description of the creek that Laura and her family lived next to.  The reader can hear the creek as they read this passage.

What are some other words that Laura could have used to describe the creek?

Answer:  Babbling and rippling.  These words tell how the water moves and what it sounds like.

Authors purpose: to describe


Page 30-31  "Uncle John- around her

This passage is a song that school children used to sing during recess.  It is historical because it shows how children used to act at school on the prairie.

What are some of the items that they could send Uncle John since he is sick in bed?

Answer:  They could send him a piece of pie, a piece of cake, apple, and dumplings.

Authors purpose: to inform

Character Sketcher

Today your job is character sketcher.  Your job is to find interesting traits about a character from this section of reading.  You will find 3 words that describe the character.  For each word, or trait, you will give the proof, or example (including page and paragraph). Next, you will tell one of your character's goals, or what the character wants to do in this section. Then you will find one of the character's problems in the section and tell the solution or possible solution to the problem. Finally, you will illustrate your character.

Your character today is:  Laura

Traits and Proof

1)  p.12 par. 3
daring- because she has not even met the children at the school house and she tells them they sound like chickens.
2)  p. 20 par. 1
proud- when she is learning to read.  She had been having problems, but now it all seemed to make sense to her.
3)  p. 23 all
angry- when she and Mary went to the store to buy a slate and Nellie was rude to them.  Nellie's father did not punish them at all like Laura thought they should have been.


Laura's goal is to go to school to learn to read, write and do math.  She did not want to go at first but now that she is she wants to do her best, even with some of the obstacles she is facing.


Laura's problem is that she has started going to school.  At school she is faced with many problems academically and socially.


Laura studies hard and works on her reading and writing.  Laura keeps her cool when Nellie and others are mean to her.  She does not fight back.

Word Wizard

    Your job today is word wizard.  You will take the four words given and look them up in the reading.  Then look up the word in the dictionary. Using the context clues from the reading write down, in your own words, the definition of the word.  Write down the correct part of speech.  Next either write down a question and answer about the word for your group to answer or a sentence using your word wizard word.  Finally, make your Word Wizard card.

sprigged  p.7 par. 1
jumble  p. 11 par. 1
snipes p. 13 par. 3
slate  p. 18 par. 1

Off in one direction came a jumble of children's voices.
--state of confusion; without order
The audience was in a state of jumble before the play started.

Then a boy with red hair and freckles yelled "Snipes yourselves! Snipes! Long-legged snipes!"
-- slender billed birds usually of the same family as sandpipers
When the boy called the girl a snipe, he meant that she had skinny legs like a bird.


    Your job today is Connector.  You are going to connect the part of the book the group is reading, to the outside world.  The question to focus on today is:

Write a paragraph about this question and be sure to include who or what your connection is about, where and when it happened, what happened, and how it connects or deals with the part of the story you were reading.

When I started school I was very sad.  I felt a lot like Laura did.  I just wanted to stay at home with my Mom, sisters, and my pets.  I thought that life was perfectly fine and that I did not need to go to school.  When my parents took me to school the first day, I cried.  I thought that would convince them to take me home.  I did not work.  I was so glad that I was not the only student to cry.  My teacher was very understanding.  She made us all feel welcome.  She gave those of us that were sad a little extra attention.  By the time the first week of school was over, I loved it.  We did not have any mean kids like Nellie.  We had such a fun year and I made many new friends.  When it was time for my sister to start school the next year, I thought I was an expert and told her everything she needed to know.  School was fun for both of us then.