Discussion Director

Come On, Rain  Section 1  (pages 1-10)

1.    What causes everyone to be so hot, sweaty, and tired in the story?
It has not rained in three weeks--there is a drought.  p. 2

2.    What is everyone wishing for?  How do you know?
Everyone is wishing for rain because they say they are hot, it is dry, and on the first page, Tessie exclaims, "Come on, rain!"
All of the descriptions throughout the section idicate the area needs rain and is suffering a drought.

3.    Why does Tessie ask Jackie-Joyce to put on her swimsuit?
Tessie's mother will not allow her to put on her own swimsuit.  p.3

4.    From observing the illustrations, which part of the world might the story take place?  Explain.
It probably takes place in the United States becuase they speak English.  Also, they are definitely in a city because there are buildings, tall skyscrapers in the distance.  It might possibly be New York, or Chicago.  p.3,4

5.    At the end of the section, Tessie's mamma tells her, "Aren't you something, Tessie..."  Why does she say this?  What have you done recently where someone may have said the same thing to you?
Tessie brought her mamma some sweetened tea because she was so hot.  p. 10
The second part is an "in the head" question.

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