Karen Hesse
Music of the Dolphins p. 72-113



Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch the dolphin mother

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask at least 5 questions.  Provide the answers to your questions and the page number and paragraph number if possible.  Be sure you ask questions that really make your group think!!  You need to ask the following types of questions:

2 Thinking Questions
1 Symbolism Question
1 Question about the significance of Mila's letter

Passage Picker

Out of the following types of passages, you need to  pick out 5 and complete your role sheet:

1 Passage that exibits the differences Mila is encountering between her "dolphin" world and "human" world.
2 Figurative Language Passages (metaphor and similie)
1 Descriptive Passages
1 Passage on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete the role sheet for the following 5 words:

Permission p.72 par.3
Territory p.73 par.2
What does it mean to be "good" p.86 par. 1
Underbelly p.91 par.2
Orca p.87 par. 2


Your job is to connect the story with your life.  What did you notice?  How did it make you feel?  What does the story remind you of in your own life?  What character are you most like/unlike?  Does part of the story remind you of another story you have heard?

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