
      Once last year, I got my wisdom teeth taken out.  I became very sick and groggy because of the medicine I was put on.  I was forced to lie on my couch for over a week and I was not able to eat or move.  I remember waking up not knowing where I was or how I got home from the doctor.  I barely remember conversations that I had, though I know that many people called and talked to me.  My brother was my caretaker.  He fixed me stuff to drink and stayed by my side all day everyday until I was better.  Even though I didn't want to, I had to completely depend on him for everything for that week.  When I was reading this section, I thought of how Hannah felt when she was in the hospital.  Seh had no idea where she was or how she got there.  Miss Carpenter kept an eye on her and nursed her back to health the best she could, along with the help of Klaus Gerhard.  Have you ever been very sick?  Did you have to depend on someone else to take care of you?