Investigator Example

Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain


     Loss from crop production
          Damage to crop quality
          Reduced productivity of cropland (wind erosion, etc)
     Loss from dairy and livestock production
          Reduced productivity of rangeland
          Forced reduction of foundation stock
          Increased predation
     Range fires
          Loss from timber production
          Wildland fires
          Tree disease
          Insect infestation
          Impaired productivity of forest land
     Loss from fishery production
          Damage to fish habitat
          Loss of young fish due to decreased flows
     Unemployment from drought-related production declines
     Loss to recreational and tourism industry
     Loss to manufacturers and sellers of recreational equipment
     Increase in food prices
     Increased importation of food (higher costs)
     Disruption of water supplies


     Damage to animal species
          Reduction and degradation of fish and wildlife habitat
          Lack of feed and drinking water
          Increased vulnerability to predation (from species concentration near water).
          Migration and concentration (loss of wildlife in some areas and too many in others)
          Increased stress to endangered species
     Damage to plant species
     Increased number and severity of fires


     Food shortages (decreased nutritional level, malnutrition, famine)Loss of human life (e.g., food shortages, heat, suicides,
     Public safety from forest and range fires
     Mental and physical stress (e.g., anxiety, depression, loss of security, domestic violence)
     Health-related low-flow problems (e.g. cross-connection contamination, diminished sewage flows, increased pollutant
     concentrations, reduced fire fighting capability, etc.)
     Increased respiratory ailments
     Increased disease caused by wildlifeconcentrations
