Character Sketcher Example

3 Traits

·patient; "The cheetah waits, listening to the honks and grunts coming from the herd" (pg 4).

·camoflaged; "The coarse yellow fur and soft black spots of her coat and the long black tear marks on her face help to hide her from the wildebeest" (pg 4).

·loving; "The family flops down under the cool shade of an acacia tree for a nap. The cats purr loudly, relieved to have escaped the relentless heat of the midday sun" (pg 9).

Character's Goal

Duma's goal is to successfully hunt for food for her and her cubs.

Character's Problem

A lioness came and took the wildebeest that Duma had caught for her and her cubs to eat.

Possible Solution
Duma could stand up for herself against the lioness, but she is much smaller than the lioness. Therefore, she could attempt to hunt again.

Draw a Picture of Duma


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