Ashley Landon
p.5 par.5 compassionate
Ashley is very compassionate towards animals, she doesn't like seeing animals die whether it's part of the food chain or not.
p.5 par. 7 energetic
Ashley is always talking and giving her opinion on issues. I see her as an ambitious little girl.
p. 7 par.3 adventurous
Ashley is adventurous, because she gets excited about going to the Gulf of Mexico and is not worried about alligators eating or hurting her.
Help her Mom find why the manatees are dying in the Florida Everglades
Is upset with her foster brother, Bridger, who is indifferent to the rest of the families feeling on loving animals. Bridger shows no caring or loving emotions for animals, guys are hunters and suppose to kill animals.
By setting an example of showing how much she loves animals and also sharing about their mother trying to save the manatees, makes Bridger re-think his opinions and feelings on animals.