p. 17 paragraph 2.  In the Greens' kitchen....And all of it was just for Henry.
This is descriptive because the paragraph lists a detailed list of what is in the Greens' kitchen pantry.
What kinds of other chocolate items could we include in the list?
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Count Chocula Cereal.  Cocoa Puffs

p. 21 paragraph 4. That exact feeling.....strange all over.
This is foreshadowing because the paragraph alludes to the idea that something is about to happen.
What do you think is going to happen?
Henry is going to get sick and break out into spots which will lead him to an adventure.

p. 15 paragraph 3 through the top of  page 16.  The other morning......chocolate ice cream.
This paragraph informs the reader of Henry's siblings breakfast and then proceeds to describe what Henry has every morning.
What do you think Henry might eat for lunch everyday?
Chocolate candy bars with Chocolate milk with chocolate a chocolate sandwich.

Funny or Interesting
p. 33 paragraph 3.  Pop! Pop! Pop1.....tip of his toes.
I like this paragraph and think it is amusing.  Henry's brown spots begin to make this loud popping noise like popcorn and his spots begin to spread.
How do you think Nurse Farthing and Mrs. Kimmelfarber are going to respond to this outburst of popping?
I think that they will take Henry to the emergency room .

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