CHOCOLATE:  How Sweet It Is
Level 5 Literature Circle Unit by Emily Abernethy

Section 8:  Page 132-149


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible).  Be sure you ask questions that really make your group think!!  You need to ask the following types of questions:
    2 Informative
    1 Characterization
    1 MCEOG
    1 Author’s Purpose
    1 Setting

Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following and complete your role sheet:
    1 Exciting
    1 Descriptive
    1 Figurative Language
    1 Melancholy

Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
    tremendous-pg. 135, par. 3
    sainted-pg. 138, par. 4
    anxiously-pg. 144, par. 6
    ghastly-pg. 146, par. 1
    contented-pg. 147, par. 1

Your job is to sketch Mike Teavee.

Your job is to draw a picture that illustrates what you liked best about the story.  After finishing your picture, write about your drawing.  Include in your response:
    who or what your picture is about
    where your picture takes place
    when it is happening
    why you drew it

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