Emily Morgan, Molly Carlberg, Liz Link
Your job is to sketch Bradley
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found. Be sure you ask questions that really you use the ol' brain~
You need to ask the following types of questions:
1 Cause/Effect question
1 Problem/Solution
1 Setting question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Science Fiction
1 Descriptive
1 Passage of your choice
1 Controversial
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
intently p.67 par.2
hippopotamus p.68 par. 10
ray gun p.87 par.14
flunking p.84 par.7
scoffed p.85 par. 13
How would you connect Bradley's list of things to ask about like Bradley did on pg.81-83.
Your task is to write a list of
at least 20 questions or things that you would like to know more about.