Heya Hoya! Here we go now! Here we go now!
You are in for
a treat! This is a fun activity to do when are reading There's A Boy
In The Girl's Bathroom. To do WORD WIZARD, all you have to do is find
five words that are in the designated pages of your section that you either
don't know what it means or you find it difficult to spell.
5 words for the WIzARd to ExpLOrE!
____ _____ _____Brussels sproutpg. 14, p.13
"Brussels sprouts make me throw up, " said Bradley.
Part of Speech-noun. A thing
Definition- a green vegetable with little, compact cabbage-like leaves that most young folk don't enjoy eating.
This word reflects the home life that Bradley has. Bradley's mom wouldn't give him such healthy food if she didn't love him. It is a symbol of nurturing. It also represents the long lists of foods that youngsters label as yucky.
Word Cards
pg. 15, p.16
"His mother was flabbergasted. "I -I don't even know when
they feed the lions!""Part of speech- adjective. Describes how his mother is
feeling.Definition- Flabbergasted is a feeling of overwhelming amazement; to be surprised, dumbfounded
This word adds to the character's feelings concerning Bradley Chalkers doings.
Pg.5 p. 3"Bradley held up his test for everyone to see and smiled that same distorted smile."
Part of speech-adjective
Definition-something that is twisted or put out of shape
This word is very descriptive, giving a vivid image as to what Bradley's smile was like. I can picture a smile sort of like the Grinch (Dr. Seuss).
Pg.16, p. 4"I don't tolerate lying," said his father.
Part of speech-verb
Definition-to permit and to allow to happen
I think that this word was used so that the readers will know what their parents mean by tolerating behavior. Louis Sachar wants the children to understand that there are some things that aren't going to be put up with.
Pg. 22 p. 15"It was drizzling the next morning as Bradley was walking to school. He wore red rubber boots and a yellow raincoat.
Part of speech-noun
Definition- a rain that comes down thin and light. It doesn't soak you right off, you have to stand still in it for a while.
I imagine that this word was used to describe a day that Bradley had after his mother had the conference which symbolized Bradley's mood as being gloomy.
Word Card