Character Sketcher

Mr. Hamp

Character Traits

1. (Trait) janitor, helper  p.1 par. 1

Explanation and proof "Quintin Hamp was a joyous man, and a common sight at Union City Elementary School, particularly when something needed doing.

2. (Trait) thoughtful p.19 par.6

Explanation and proof  "Welcome treasured that fish for many reasons. Certainly becasue it was the first Christmas gift from Quintin, and because it would always remind him of the Christmas of the wonderful dream."

3. (Trait) comforting p. 3 par.7

Explanation and proof "Tell you what, if those kids keep on being mean to you, march right in here. You can help me do my chores."

Character’s Goal:
Mr. Hamp's goal was to comfort Welcome from being teased and to show him the Christmas spirit by playing Santa Claus.

Character’s Problem:
Mr. Hamp's problem was that he could not shelter Welcome forever, that he would have to eventually mature and move on.

Solution or Possible Solution:
Welcome got married and became the Superintendent of Maintenance at the school and helped another young boys feel comfortable when they were being teased.


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