Because of Winn-Dixie
Section 4

Katie Hyatt


Character Sketcher
Your job is to sketch Winn-Dixie

Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 6 questions and write out the answer to your questions. Include the page____ and paragraph____ where
your answers are found.  Be sure you ask questions that really make your group think!!!
You need to ask the following types of questions:

1 Fact or Opinion Question about Opal
1 Sequencing Question
1 E.O.G. Test Question about a surprising passage
1 Main Idea Question about the entire section
1 Thinking Question about Winn-Dixie in the thunderstorm
1 Point-of-View Question about the thunderstorm


Passage Picker
Your job is to pick out 5 passages that exhibit the following:

1 Descriptive Passage
1 Characterization Passage about Otis
2 Figurative Language Passages
1 Summarizing Passage

Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for these three words:

pathological p. 75 par 5
reasoned p. 75 par 7
terrorized p. 76 par 2

and then create a thesaurus list of at least 5 words for each word.


Artful Artist
Your job is to make a creative interpretation of one of the scenes in the section and write a paragraph about how it relates to the main idea of the story.

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