Lost In Time!

Mandy Rose
Mike Thompson
Beth Davis


Discussion Director
1 description question
1 cause/effect question
1 EOG question
2 on your own

Passage Picker
2 figurative language (similes)
1 imagery
1 on your own

Character Sketcher
Sketch Sam.

Word Wizard
Spyglass p. 33 par. 6
Hoist p.34 top of page
Crouched p. 39 par. 6
Noose p.44 par. 7
Horizon p. 49 par. 4

Using an encyclopedia, www.bartleby.com, research and create an informational paragraph about pirates.  Be sure to include the folowing information;

When did pirates exist, do they still exist?
What lands did they come from?
Who are some famous pirates and what are they famous/infamous for?

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