Mandy Rose
Mike Thompson
Beth Davis
Discussion Director
1 setting question
1 prediction question
1 descriptive question
1 EOG question
1 on your own
Passage Picker
2 figurative language (simile and idiom)
1 imagery
1 on your own
Character Sketcher
Sketch Cerberus.
Word Wizard
Script p. 3 par. 7
Lyre p. 7 par. 3
Mortal p. 16 par. 3
Shrivels p. 18 par. 5
Devine p. 25 par. 10
Using the follow website,,
create a chart with as many Greek Gods and Goddess that you can find. Include
on the chart what they represent, their contributions to society, a physical
description, as well as any other characteristics you would like to include.