Lost In Time!

Mandy Rose
Mike Thompson
Beth Davis


Discussion Director
 1 setting question
1 descriptive question
1 EOG question
1 characterization question
1 on your own

Passage Picker
2 figurative language (similes)
1 imagery
1 on your own

Character Sketcher
Sketch Joe.

Word Wizard
Fumbled p. 44 par. 2
Nectar p. 46 par. 4
Brawl p. 47 par. 4
Tromping p. 49 par. 4
Observation p. 53 par. 9

Using the chart created by the Investigator in Section 7 and the following website, www.yahooligans.com, pick a God or Goddess that you are interested in and create a short bigraphical paragraph about your choice. Be sure to include the following information;

What do they represent?
What special qualities do they have?
Are there any symbols that represent them, if so what are they?

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