Mandy Rose
Mike Thompson
Beth Davis
The Egypt
Game by Zilpha Keatley Synder
Section 2
(Pg. 22-41)
1 Compare/Contrast
1 Cause/Effect
1 Thinking
1 Prediction
The Egypt
Game by Zilpha Keatley Synder
Section 2
(Pg. 22-41)
2 Descriptive
1 Informative
1 Exciting
The Egypt
Game by Zilpha Keatley Synder
Section 2
(Pg. 22-41)
Word Wizard
1. haughtiness
(pg. 32 - par. 2)
2. reluctant
(pg. 38 - par. 8)
3. integrate
(pg. 40 - line 3)
4. evasive
(pg. 40 - par. 7)
The Egypt
Game by Zilpha Keatley Synder
Section 2
(Pg. 22-41)
Your job is
to do a character sketch of Melanie. Include three implied traits,
the problem, the solution, the goal, and a picture.
The Egypt
Game by Zilpha Keatley Synder
Section 2
(Pg. 22-41)
Your job is
to make a brochure about Egypt. Use the internet, books, or an encyclopedia
to find information. Here is a website if you can't find one that
you like
You can pretend that you are trying to get people to come to Egypt.
Include things about the culture and the past. You might also want
to draw or print out a small map to show everyone in the group where Egypt
is located.