Closure Activity

Read the book The Memory String by Eve Bunting


What they noticed
How did this story make them feel or think?
How was it the same as Sun and Spoon?
How was it different?
Did this story remind them of anything in their own lives?

The teacher shares what it reminds her of (her son's baby cup). She models the development of a graphic organizer around the cup.

The teacher goes on to query the students about what this cup might say if it could talk using the information from the graphic organizer, guiding them to organize the information further.

The teacher now models the writing of the narrative:

"I am a small, yellow, and white cup. I'm constructed of smooth plastic and have two handles in each side. My bottom is round so I won't tip over. A tiny duck is etched on my front. My purpose in this life was to hold milk and juice for a toddler named Ryan. Although he doesn't use me anymore his mom still loves and appreciates me. How do I know? I know this because of how gently she holds me sometimes and always smiles when she sees me in the cupboard. Yes siree! I am no ordinary cup! I am special because I help her remember her son when he was a little boy."

The teacher then directs children to think of something that is special to them, develop a graphic organizer, and write a piece from the pespective of the object. Students will proofread and edit before illustrating. A class book could be compiled with an appropriate title chosen by the class.