A Lion to Guard Us
Section 4, CHAPTERS 17-23, pages 82-117

Discussion Director

Passage Picker

Word Wizard

palmetto trees- p87, para 3
harbor- p96, para 2
echo- p111, para 3
storehouse- p112,  starting at the top of the page

Character Sketcher

James Freebold (Amanda's father)
Captain Newport
Mistress Hopkins


Assignment p82-117

Connector: Your job is to connect the book your group is reading to the outside world. Ask yourself the below questions and write a paragraph about one or more of the questions:

( Make up your own questions,  about 3-4 questions)

Write paragraph:

I am reading A Lion to Guard Us.  The events in this books reminds me of the movie The Titanic.  In the book a ship is sailing to Virginia and the waters are rough and they land on a pile of rocks and the boat is damaged, they don't sink but they are stranded on Bermuda islands until rescue ships come and they finish their trek to Virginia.  The people on the Titanic crashed into a huge glacier but was not as lucky as the people aboard the ship in the book, that were heading to Virginia. The Titanic sank and there were not enough spare boats to rescue the people and many lost their lives due to the cold and icy waters and freezing temperatures.