Pages 6-58
5th grade (below grade level-2nd grade)
Section 4
Discussion Director
Your job today is to write down 5 questions that you can discuss in your group.
1. Letty could not take Solomon, her gander, with her over the mountain, what did she do to try to save him?
Answer: Letty wrote a note to the soldiers asking them to not kill Solomon.
Passage Picker
Your job today is to pick four passages from this section that you and your group can discuss. Choose passages that satisfy these reasons:
B. "She could . . .see Solomon."
C. The passage is informative because we know what Letty can see and hear from the mountain.
D. Question: What were two of the thingst that Letty could not see? Why?
Answer: Letty could not see her house nor Solomon because she was on top of the mountain.
E. Author's Style: To Describe
Character Sketcher
Your job today is to find an interesting character
that you can discuss with your group. You will need to find three
words that describe your character. For each word, character trait,
you will give the proof/example (page number and paragraph).
Next you will tell one of your character's goals,
or what the character wants to do in this section. Then you will
look for one of the character's problems in the section and the
or possible solution to the problem.
Finally you will make a character map and illustrate
your character.
Character Traits:
1. loving-(p 13 lines 1-2) she wanted to keep Solomon safe from the British soldiers
2. clever-(p 17 letter) Letty wrote to the soldiers and ask them not to kill Solomon
3. hopeful-(p 45 line 4) she hoped that everything would be ok, especially Solomon
Letty wants to keep her gander safe.
Letty can not get Solomon to hide so that he would not get eaten by the soldiers.
Letty writes a letter to the British soldiers asking them not to eat Solomon.
Word Wizard
Your job today is to pick four words in this section that are special words. You will need to write down the word and where you found it in the story (page and lines). You will also need to write down a definition of each word, the sentence using your word, and make up your own sentence using the word. Some words to choose are:
B. "Letty put the letter on the mantel."
C. mantel-a shelf above the fireplace
D. noun
E. We put pictures on the mantel above our fireplace.
Travel Tracer
Your job today is to think about the different places
that Letty and her family were at throughout the story. You will
need to make a map of the movement that takes place throughout the
story and discuss the movement with your group.