Treasures in the dust
by:  tracey Porter

Grade Five: (above Grade Level)
Section Three:  (pg46-71)

Discussion Director
Your job is to create five questions that your group can discuss.

MCEOG Question
1.  All of the following are reasons why Violet has to leave the Oklahoma Pan Handle except which one?
    a.  Their cow dies and they have no milk, cream, or butter to trade.
    b.  They have seven mouths to feed and clothe.
    c.  They have little to no money.
    d.  They have family in California.
(Answer d:  Chpts. 9-10)

Figurative Language
2.  Look on page 56.  Give one example of a simile.  Explain the two things being compared.
(Answer:  Here, the author is comparing Aunt Miracle's wheezing to a scarf.  When a scarf blows in the wind, it just wings it.  Whichever way the wind goes, the scrf goes.  Aunt Miracle's wheezing (breathing) is just as unpredictable as the wind.  There's no rhythm or pattern to it what-so-ever.)

3.  Do you think Violet and her family will move to California?  Explain why or why not.  If so, what will happen to Violet?
(Answer:  I predict that Violet and her family will move to California because they are having such a hard time, and they no longer have to worry about Aunt Miracle.  I believe that Violet will get to go to the dancing school she's always wanted to go to.)

Passage Picker
Your job is to pick four passages that your group can discuss.

Passage One
2.  pg 70 paragraph 2
3.  "Hearing this. . . and leaving."
4.  I chose this passage because it lets me hear the thoughts of Violet.  Annie doesn't understand how Violet feels.  Violet is feeling that she is already far, far away from Annie.  She doesn't want to leave but she knows she has to.
5.  Why do you think Violet feels that she is already far away from Annie?
6.  Author's Purpose:  To inform the reader

Passage Two
1. --
2.  pg 66 last paragraph
3.  "We creep. . .as day."
4.  I chose this passage because it describes how Aunt Miracle looked, the way the women prepared her for burial, and exactly what the kids saw.  Violet says it didn't look like her Aunt.  This is a symbol of how people did burials during this time period.
5.  How did they keep Aunt Miracle's eyes shut?
6.  Author's Intent:  To describe and entertain

Word Wizard
Your job is to make word cards for the following words.
vicious pg 64 paragraph 2
interjects pg 66 paragraph 2
geology pg 59 paragraph 1
pirouettes pg 53 paragraph 4

Word One
1.  pirouettes pg 53 paragraph 4
2.  "Violet pirouettes back and forth across the porch, arms outstretched."
3.  Dictionary:  a whirling on one foot or on the point of the toe.
4.  My definition:  dancing like a ballerina on one foot.
5.  verb
6.  I used to pretend I could dance like a ballerina and I would pirouette around the kitchen.
7.  Make card.

Word Two


Character Sketcher
Your job is to tell the group all about Annie.  Give three traits about her and explain how she exhibits these traits.  Then explain her goal, her problem, and the solution.


Your job is to investigate the Oklahoma Land Rush.  What was the Land Rush all about?  Discover how Annie and Violet's family obtained their land.  Go to the library, find and read all the resources you can.  Remember to sight where you found your information.