Treseasures in the dust
by: tracy Porter

5th grade (6th grade level)
Section eight (pgs 143-148)

Discussion Director

The job of discussion director is to develop a list of questions that your group will discuss about this part of the book.  These questions should vary in difficulty and type.  You must include 1 Setting, 1 Cause-effect, 1 Character relationship, 1 Problem-solution, and 1 of your choice.  Use the list of words below to help you begin your questions.

Begin questions with words like:
Who What When Where
Why How Tell Describe

Questions can be about:

 Main idea
                        Character Relationships


EX:  Setting
Q:  Describe the setting in Violet's last chapter.
A:  They are both in the Pan Handle.  Violet has moved back home.

Passage Picker

Passage Picker selects significant passages from the sections being read.  Determine why it is important and call readers’ attention to the passage.  Then lead a discussion about the passage you chose.

Steps of Passage Picker
1. Pick out the passage you would like to share.
2. Write down the page and paragraph number.
3. Write down the first two words and the last two words of your passage.
4. Write down the reason you chose the passage, and explain why!
5. Ask a question about your passage, and give an answer.
6. Write down the Author’s Purpose: To describe
                                                                To Entertain
                                                                 To Inform
                                                                To Persuade

EX:  page 145 last paragraph
"How far. . . back home."
REASON:  I chose this passage because it shows exactly how much Annie misses her best friend Violet.  She has a great imagination just like Violet, by being able to imagine her hand reach a thousand miles to Annie's corn roots she planted.
QUESTION:  Why do you think Annie dreams of reaching the roots of the corn Violet planted?
ANSWER:  She misses Violet very much and wants her to come home.  This is her connection to Violet.
AUTHOR'S PURPOSE:  To entertain

Word Wizard

The Word Wizard searches the section of text for words that are key to understanding what is happening in the story.  He/she notes the page and sentence where the word is found.  Then checks the dictionary meaning of the word.  They lead a discussion about the meaning and intent of the word from context and what the word contributes to the import of the passage.

Steps for Word Wizard
    1. Write down the word.
    2. Copy the sentence form the book in which the word appears.
    3. Look up the word in the dictionary.
    4. Using your context clues from the sentence and the dictionary definition, write down in your own words the definition of
the word.
    5. Write down the correct part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb).
    6. Write down a question and the answer about the word that would help you to teach the word that makes your group refer
back to the text, OR write a sentence using the word wizard word.
    7. Make your word wizard card.  Be sure to include in big print your word and the page and paragraph number.  On the
other side of your card should be a picture, the word, and the definition of the word.

Words to choose from in this section:
bison page 144 paragraph 1
modest page 145 paragraph 2
thistledown page 146 paragraph 3
jinx page 147 paragraph 1

Character Sketcher

The job of the character sketcher is to find an interesting character from the section.  You will then find three words that describe the character.  For each word, or character trait, you will give the proof, or example.  Tell why you know this character has this trait.

The next thing you will do is to tell one of your character’s goals, or what the character wants to do in that chapter(s).

Then you will find one of the character’s problems in that chapter(s) and the solution or possible solution to the problem.

Finally, you get to have fun and illustrate your character.  Have fun!

Your job is to create another sketch of Violet.  Be sure to show how she has changed from the beginning of the book to the end.


Your job is to give a brief summary of the book to your group.  Afterwards, give a brief statement that explains your opinion of the story and how the dust affected the lives of Annie and Violet.