NC Related Standard Course of Study Goals and Objectives


Language Arts Goals and objectives for Fifth Grade:

Competency Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.

1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

wide reading.
word study.
word reference materials.
content area study.
writing process elements.
writing as a tool.
examining the author’s craft.

1.04 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, on-line reference tools) to identify and comprehend unknown words.

1.05 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student’s independent reading level) to:

increase fluency.
build background knowledge.
expand and refine vocabulary.

Competency Goal 2 The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, and viewing by:

making predictions.
formulating questions.
supporting answers from textual information, previous experience, and/or other sources.
drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings.
seeking additional information.

2.10 Identify strategies used by a speaker or writer to inform, entertain, or influence an audience.

Competency Goal 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.

3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by:
analyzing word choice and content.
examining reasons for a character’s actions, taking into account the situation and basic motivation of the character.
creating and presenting a product that effectively demonstrates a personal response to a selection or experience.
examining alternative perspectives.

3.02 Make connections between texts by recognizing similarities and differences based on a common lesson, theme, or message.

3.03 Justify evaluation of characters and events from different selections by citing supporting evidence in the text(s).

3.06 Conduct research (with assistance) from a variety of sources for assigned or self-selected projects (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).

Competency Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

5.04 Determine the impact of word choice on written and spoken language.

Social Studies Goals and Objectives for Fifth Grade:

Competency Goal 3 The learner will locate major physical features and suggest the influence of location on life in the Western Hemisphere.
3.1 Describe the absolute and relative location of major landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.

3.2 Analyze the impact of the absolute and relative location of places on ways of living in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
Competency Goal 5 The learner will evaluate ways the people of the Western Hemisphere use, modify and adapt to the physical environment.
5.1 Explain how people of the Western Hemisphere adapt and have adapted to the physical environment.

5.2 Describe how the people of the United States, Canada, and Latin America use and modify their physical environments.

5.3 Analyze causes and consequences of the misuse of the physical environment and propose alternatives.
Competency Goal 6 The learner will evaluate the significance of the movement of people, goods, and ideas from place to place.

6.1 Analyze the movement of people, goods, and ideas within and among the countries of the United States, Canada, and Latin America and between the Western Hemisphere and other places.

6.2 Compare ways in which people, goods, and ideas moved in the past in the United States, Canada, and Latin America with their movement today.

6.3 Judge how changes in the movement of people, goods, and ideas have affected ways of living in the Western Hemisphere.
Competency Goal 11 The learner will analyze changes in ways of living and investigate why and how these changes occurred.
11.1 Identify and describe changes which have occurred in ways of living in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.

11.2 Identify examples of cultural transmission and interaction within and among the regions of the Western Hemisphere.

11.3 Evaluate the effects of change on the lives of the people of the United States, Canada, and Latin America.