Special Needs Learners:
Incorporate additional activities to keep
them on task
Pair them with other students for reading
and jobs
Read the assigned sections aloud
Allow them to choose the job they will
be most successful doing, if they are poor writers, allow them to do jobs
involving illustrations
Tape record the readings
Use large print books
Provide individualized instruction
Find an interesting way to show they know
the answer to questions during discussions (tapping your nose, tugging
your ear)
ESL Students:
Provide tape recorded versions of the readings
Allow them to work with a Special Needs
teacher to translate into their language
Allow them to incorporate their language
into the story and jobs, where appropriate (for Word Wizard, they could
give the translation of the word in their language
Partner reading
Echo reading
Prereading sections before reading aloud
Use picture sorts to increase their image/name
Place them in a lower level group, where
they can work on fluency, translation, reading rate, etc, so that they
can gradually move up
Conduct the IRI test to assess reading