The Journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce
Section Four, pgs 55-71

Word Wizard

Your job is to find four words that stand out to you because they are new or unusual to you. For this section, choose one of the words listed below and find three on your own.
grumble pg 56 line 6
plagued pg 58 par 3
dire need pg 62 line 5
anguish pg 65 par 2

1. grumble pg 56 line 6
2. "Many grumble."
3. to mutter in discontent
4. I think it means to complain out loud.
5. verb
6. We grumble when our teachers assign us more work to do.

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions about this section that will get your group to thinking more about the book. For this section, you will need one problem/solution, one prediction, and three questions on your own.

1. Prediction
What do you think will happen next?

Answer: (can have many answers) I think that the colony will have contact with the Indians and make friends.

Passage Picker

Your job is to pick four passages that stand out to you for different reasons. For this section, you may pick one Descriptive , one Interesting, and two passages on your own.

1. pg 69 par 2
2. "And so ... of fourteen."
3. I chose this passage because it was interesting. We found out Jasper's real age and what a toll his new life has taken on him.
4. What does he mean when he says he feels 100 years old? He means that he doesn't feel or act like a normal fourteen year old but feels and behaves like he is much older than fourteen.
5. The author's purpose is to inform.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch a prominent character from this section. Your sketch must include a picture of the character, three character traits with proof, characters goal, and a problem/solution of that character for that section. For this section, you will sketch Jasper.

Jasper Jonathan Jones


1. Earnest- (pg 55 par 1) Jasper is earnest in his hard work and wanting to keep up with the stronger, older men.
2. Good-hearted- (pg 59 par 1) Jasper shows his good heart when he tries to take care of Elder Bradford.
3. Protector- (pg 70 par 4) Jasper wants to learn how to use a musket so that he can protect others if Indians attack.

To help guard against Indian attacks.

Problem: Not feeling that he could do much to help if the natives attack.
Solution: He asks his master if he can learn how to use a musket.

Activity Activator

Your job is to involve your group members in an activity  that represents information learned from reading the book up to this point. For this section, you will do with your group a story map up to this point of the book (which is about halfway).

Your story map should include the following headings: