Section 6
(Ch. 15-16)

Discussion Director
Your job is to ask five questions about the reading that you can discuss with your group.
They should include: one prediction, one problem/solution, one MCEOG, one cause and effect and one on your own.

1. (prediction) When do you think John Holbrook will come back?
Answer: I think he will stay away for quite awhile because he knows that Judith thinks he loves her, but he really loves Mercy. He'll want to give Judith time to forget about him so that she won't be upset when he returns and wants to be with her sister.

Passage Picker
Your job is to pick four passages from the reading that you want to discuss with your group. There are various reasons for picking a passage. For this section, pick passages for these four reasons:

Word Wizard
Your job is to pick out at least five special words from this section of the reading. They should be words that you find interesting or are not familiar with. For each word you will need to write the page and paragraph where the word occurrs, the definition of the word, the part of speech,the sentence from the reading containing that word, and one sentence of your own containing the word. You may choose three of the words here and then find two more on your own.

Character Sketcher
Your job is to choose an intersting character from this section of the reading. You will think
of three words that describe that character (character traits) and give the proof with the
page and paragraph number. You will then tell one of the character's goals for that section,
or something that the character wants to do. Next, you will find one of your character's
problems for the section and the solution or possible solution to that problem. Finally,
illustrate the character. For this section, sketch Mercy Wood.

Your job is to prepare a brief summary for this section of the reading. Give a one or two
minute statement to the rest of your group that highlights the key points and issues.