Word Wizard

Section 1. Young Abe Lincoln (p.1-16)

1. Scholar pg. 14, Par. 2
        a. ́Then we'll do us some sewing.î Turning to Abe, she said, ́I hear you're a scholar.
        b. Definition: Someone who has profound knowledge of a particular subject.
        c. Part of Speech: noun
        d. Abe Lincoln became a scholar in the subjects of law and politics.

Word Card


2. Slave Trader pg. 4
        a. ́Sometimes they saw a work overseer or slave trader riding horseback behind a troop of dusty slaves.î
        b. Definition: A person who buys and sales slaves for profit.
        c. Part of speech: noun
        d. All the black children were scared of the slave traders because they knew they might be taking away from their family.

3. Union pg. 7
        a. ́That icy December of 1816, Indiana became the 19th state in the Union.î
        b. Definition: The Union was the army that defeated the Confederacy.
        c. Part of Speech: noun
        d. Two groups in the United States were fighting in the Civil War and they were the Union and the Confederacy

4. Harvest pg. 11, par. 4
        a. ́Cousin Dennis puffed a smoke ring from his cob pipe and Tom smiled. ́Yep, there's gonna be a school startin' after
        b. Definition: The gathering of crops
        c. Part of Speech: noun
        d. When the crops were ripe the farmers had to go and gather or harvest the crop.

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