Word Wizard:
1. Bleakest pg. 9
a. ìAbe later remembered
the first winter as one of the bleakest times in his life; smoke blew into
the half-camp, ran and snow dripped from the roof, and the log wall barely
cut the wind.î
b. Definition: cheerless,
cold, and bitter.
c. Part of speech: adjective.
d. Last winter was the bleakest
winter I have ever seen, you couldnít even go outside for more than five
minutes without freezing.
2. Legendary pg. 13
a. ìHis love of books was
legendary; he reportedly read every book to be found within fifty miles
of his home in the Indiana woods.î
b. Definition: well-known,
c. Part of speech: adjective
d. Martin Luther King Jr.
was legendary for his speech ìI have a dream.