1. Page 1 paragraph one
A) ìAlthough the Ö.the big house.î
B) I chose this paragraph because it lets the readers get a vivd
impression of a plantation.
C) Authorís Purpose: To describe
D) What is a plantation? A plantation is an estate for farming.
2. Page 3 paragraph one and page 4 paragraph one
A) ì One time whenÖ..from the bowelî. Page 3
ì Harrietís mistressÖ whipped again and again.î
Page 4
B) I chose this paragraph because it shows the readers how rough it
is to be a slave.
C) Author's Purpose - cause and effect
D) What is the "cause" and what is the "effect"?
The cause is Harriet taking sugar from the
sugar bowel and the effect is Harriet getting whipped by her mistress.
3. Page 8 paragraph one and page 9 paragraph one
A) ìThe master threwÖ..almost killed her.î Page 8
ì After the accidentÖ..she often prated.î
Page 9
B) I chose this paragraph because it shows the readers that
C) Author's Purpose- Cause and Effect
D) What was the "cause" and the "effect"?
The cause was when the master threw a metal
disk and hit Harriet in the head and the effect is from being hit she suffers
from severe headaches.
4. Page 13 paragraph one
A) ìHarriet ran toÖ..way to freedom.î
B) I chose this paragraph because it lets the readers learn about
the Underground Railroad.
C) Authorís Purpose- to inform
D) How would you describe the Underground Railroad?
Each stop on the railroad was a house of someone
who did not believe in slavery so they would help the slaves try to
escape to freedom.