Word Wizard

A. California pg. 23 "Our neighbors went to California, said Papa."

What is California? (state in U.S.--west coast)

Have you ever been to California?

Word Card

B. Auction pg. 22 "The day of the auction came."

def.: a sale of property to the highest bidder.  (noun)

my def.: a sale where you go and bid to buy stuff--highest bid gets the stuff

Have you ever been to an auction?

C. howled pg. 12 "Sam barked and howled."

def.: to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family, (verb)

my def: when my dog cries real loud at the fire truck siren

Have you ever heard a dog howl?  What kind of situation was he in?

D. hayloft pg. 29 "Maggy and I went to the hayloft."

def.: a loft especially for storing hay, (noun).

my def.: the top of the barn where the hay is stored

What kind of animals might be hiding in a hayloft?