Modifications for Students with Special Needs
1.  For a student who is learning disabled who has difficulty writting down their ideas and is primarily an aural and verbal learner, you would first want to make sure to read the story aloud or provide a tape of the story for the child to listen to.  You would want to assign this child a role such as the discussion director, so that they can do a lot of the talking.

2.  For a student who has ADHD and has trouble sitting still and paying attention you would want to give them a role that will keep them busy.  They could be the word wizard, so they would have something to do that may require moving around the room.  If the child needs to get up and move around for a minute, then let him as long as he is not bothering other students.  You may even want the whole class to stand up and so some stretching every little bit.

3.  For a Latino student who is very bright, but their vocabulary and reading ability is below grade level, you would want want them to either read with a peer or have the story on tape for him.  Assigning the role of word wizard to this student would be very beneficial, because it would help increase his vocabulary and make them comfortable using the dictionary.