Alternative Literature Circle Lessons (for another book that might be used)
Lesson #2
pages 21-44
Discussion Director:
1.  Did Samual want to fight?  How do you know?
2.  What do you think the Friendly's are going to do at their meeting?
3.  Why did the Indians have to eat the fish that was caught without cooking it?
4.  How did Stand's Straight aquire the stone with the hole in it that he carries with him?
Passage Picker:
1.  pg. 26, 2nd paragraph- What does this paragraph tell you about Samual?
2.  pg.33, last paragraph- What were the Indian's going to do, what was their job?  Why do you think they wanted this job?
Word Wiazrd:
1.  musket
2.  fortress
3.  spear
4.  muskrat
Charater Sketcher:
1.  Add to character sketches done in lesson 1
Now that we are halfway through the book, what has happened so far?
Do you think Samual will ever have to fight?
Artful Artist:
Draw a picture of the pig running from the fire that the Hungary Frenchman started.