Modifications in the classroom
for the Latino child

    This student has been moved around constantly because the family has moved a lot. The child is in the 5th grade, and has a bright mind, but his vocabulary and reading ability is on 3rd grade level.  The family members will not be a very good source for help. I would focus on pairing this student with another strong student. When the child is given a section to read: he can read with his peer, read along with a tape before hand, and the story should be read aloud. His role in the literature circle will be paired with  a partner for each job role.  For example, he would be working the with discussion director on day #1.  Another example, is the artful artist by himself and with the help of a peer and or tape of the reading.  I would be very specific about what I wanted him to do.  He would do very well in the artistic areas, because he is used to symbols and artwork which would appeal to him, especially  in a different culture.